while ( brain != false )
my . dna += code ;
share ( my.dna ) ;
Hello! My name
is Luke
I'm also known as

I develop software and hardware
I learned software having taught myself C back in 1997 when I was 10, and since learned over 40 languages on many platforms, programming comes as natural as speaking english. This allows me to focus on the task of solving the problem at hand
I learned hardware through hands on. After blowing up a few transistors and designing a few thousand different circuits for real-world products, I soon found myself building complete SoC's (system on chips).
Learn for free
If you want to get some free knowledge and learn software development or other things I know I freely give away my knowledge on my YouTube channel.
Hire me
I do contracted work, offer training, guidance on projects or even complete projects from scratch.
If you want to hire me, contact me and we can work something out.
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